Magic, Occult, Tarot

Bottom of the Tarot Deck: Shadow Cards

Ever peek at the bottom of the deck after you lay a spread? It's a thing, and you're not alone. Learn what the Shadow Card represents, and how it can enhance your readings.

Ritual, Tarot, Wheel of the Year

Ostara, the Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox Ostara March 19th-22nd Spring Equinox 2024 falls on Tuesday, March 19th in the Northern Hemisphere Day and night are of equal length. The first green plants cover the ground in a patchy fuz. This is the beginning of new life and fertility. Snow gives way to rain, petrichor invokes the sensations of contentment… Continue reading Ostara, the Spring Equinox

four sun cards from different tarot decks fanned out for summer solstice
Magic, Occult, Tarot, Wheel of the Year

Summer Solstice Ritual

Mimosa flowers float in mountain water under ponderosa pines, flooded with solstice sunlight, on the lands of the Concow-Maidu in the sacred Sierra Nevada foothills. I feel the energies of this powerful site in the pads of my bare feet on the warm earth. -Tiana, June 2018, California I don't have many people around me… Continue reading Summer Solstice Ritual